About Breaktide


I'm Jon Steingard, a filmmaker and musician based out of San Diego. I was born and raised in Canada, but I like to think I've got a California soul. Whether it's through music or film or photography, I love to tell stories.... and I think there are fascinating stories all around us every day - all you need to do is take the time to look for them.

I started Breaktide Services to help people tell their stories. 

Fancy films are awesome, cool graphics are exciting, bright colors are inspiring (I love all these things), but it is a story that truly captures the hearts and imaginations of an audience. If you can accomplish that, you will have earned the one currency that trumps them all.... attention.

So let's grab people's attention! Let's tell your story. Whether it's for the living room, bedroom, or board room, let's make something awesome. 

p.s. Find me on socials below👇 or scroll doooowwwwwnnnn for a quick and easy form to reach me!